During the time of terrorism in Peru, a young man seduces a young foreigner to flee the country, resulting in a son, who ten years later, saving himself from a ferocious terrorist attack, will be the reason that brings the couple together again. Written by: Andrea...
The last man on Earth stops by his sisters apartment for the night and is interrupted by a knock at the door. He deals with his paranoia and struggles differentiating between hallucinations and reality. Written by: Bobby...
Set 80 years into the future, a man in his mid 20’s decides to break up with his Android partner, in order to look for a more human connection. Written by: Bobby...
Dan, a college student, wants to have a heart-to-heart with Tana, a girl he was dating. However, he faces a dilemma because she is attending his ex’s birthday party. Written by: Teodora...